SFTP commands: Details and guide
Cerberus by Redwood provides SFTP transfer operations via a GUI or API. However, more advanced SFTP users may seek to initiate transfers from their command lines. To support these users, we’ve provided a detailed look at the various SFTP command line operations. While these operations are common across Windows, Linux and Max due to the protocol’s flexibility, specific clients and configurations may require unique commands or arguments.
Core SFTP command line operations
Session commands
Operation | Command |
Open an SFTP connection | sftp (followed by user@host/remote-dir) |
Close an SFTP connection | exit (quit or bye will frequently work as well) |
Show your SFTP version | version |
Access available SFTP commands | help or ? |
Pause your SFTP session (to execute other commands) | ! |
Return to your session | exit |
File commands
These commands generally take the following structure:
sftp> [command] [argument] [file-name] [target-path]
Arguments are not required, and if you leave the path blank, your commands will be executed on whatever current directory you are accessing. You can also add wildcards for file names and directories by using the asterisk (*).
Operation | Command | Example |
List all files in the server’s current directory | ls (or dir) | sftp> ls /example-directory |
Sort returned files by size | -s | |
Sort returned files by modification time | -t | |
Sort returned files in reverse | -r | |
Download a file from the server to your machine | get | sftp> get example-file /target-local-directory |
Download multiple files | mget | sftp> mget *.png |
Upload a file from your machine to the server | put | sftp> put example.docx /directory-path/ |
Upload multiple files | mput | sftp> mget /local-directory/ |
Delete a file on the server | rm | sftp> rm file-path |
Rename a file on the server | rename | sftp> rename old-name new-name |
Directory Commands
Command | Description | Example |
Change your server directory | cd | sftp> cd remote-server-directory |
Change your local host directory | lcd | sftp> lcd local-host-directory |
Show the server directory path | pwd | sftp> pwd |
Show your local host directory path | lpwd | sftp> lpwd |
Create a new server directory | mkdir | sftp> mkdir new-remote-server-path |
Create a new local host directory | lmkdir | sftp> lmkdir new-local-path |
Delete a server directory | rmdir | sftp> rmdir remote-server-path |
Cerberus FTP Server also includes remote API-based management of the SFTP server, which adds an additional layer of sophistication to your command interactions. This link will take you to a reference guide for our SFTP Server API.